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Blue Fitness and it's meaning to me and why I became inspired to do what I do.

On 3/14/08, my son seized in my arms for 16 minutes after he was vaccinated. About less than 2 weeks later, he was not the same child. He stopped talking, making eye contact and started hand flapping (which I called him "my little birdie) just to name a few.  I had no idea about Autism until one day I searched "bird hands" on the internet and Autism was listed as the result.  I was told several times that I was a panicking first time mom and nothing was wrong with my son but my motherly instincts wouldn't rest until I had answers in which I went above and beyond and received.  On 5/15/09, my son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of 26 months.  
The struggles my son dealt with everyday were very challenging, heartbreaking but in the end rewarding. 

Blue Fitness:
Blue represents Autism and Fitness represents feeling good in your body. 
Children on the spectrum struggle to learn and cope within their own bodies and environment. It requires years to lifelong therapies and guidance.
With that being said, people on the spectrum or not can feel when their body and surroundings are not working for them. You begin to feel depressed, tired, fat, less motivated, low self esteem, alone etc. In order to help you, it requires treatment of your body which is eating healthy, taking vitamins and supplements, drinking water, getting 7 to 8 hours sleep and exercising at least 3 days a week or more. 
Imagine how children on the spectrum feel everyday. I bet you can understand and relate how our bodies go hand in hand. 

Blue Fitness represents Autism and Fitness and how we are one. We work everyday on our bodies to overcome obstacles and in time there is progress and results. 

I am an Autism Mom and a Fitness Mom and if my son as well as all the children who are impacted by Autism can fight everyday to learn, adapt and respond so can we.

Welcome Blue Fitness! Hope one day to inspire the world!

Tell Me, I probably wont do it
Show Me, I might do it
Train Me, I'll do it



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